Transformation and leadership

During the strategy implementation stage, all measures need to be orchestrated in an integrated fashion as part of a transformation road map. ProAct possesses the conceptual and practical management instruments as well as the personal leadership qualities required to bring about a conscious and company-wide change in behaviour.

Complete the transformation process with leadership

Coordinating all measures in the areas of action of “Customer experience and innovation”, “Processes and organisation”, “ICT systems and data management” and “Culture and cooperation” poses a company’s management with new challenges. Have you already succeeded in sparking enthusiasm among your clients, employees and partners? How do you manage and measure progress with respect to the transformation process?

ProAct supports management figures in taking decisive action and performing authentically both internally and externally. We help you in establishing new structures and processes among your employees and in facilitating their acceptance through clear and transparent communication. We can also reflect on your management style and encourage you to deploy your leadership qualities across company boundaries in order to boldly exploit opportunities and potential that arise.

ProAct services:

  • Coaching of/sparring with members of the board of directors and executive board, programme/project managers or chief digital officers (CDOs)
  • Programme and project management for transformation projects
  • Communication at company and project level
  • Interim management
  • Change management during start-up phases, M&As and post-merger integrations

«Requirements for companies are constantly evolving, and at an increasing speed, in our ever-changing world. To keep up, you need a clear, strategic vision. You also have to be flexible when it comes to implementing your strategy. With the enterprising, dedicated support of a partner like ProAct, we are able to meet new challenges head-on.»

Christoph Ruetschi, Co-CEO, Chairman, Ruetschi Technology Ltd

We inspire our clients

Wasserwerkgasse 27
CH-3011 Bern

+41 31 313 07 07

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