Industry expertise and proven experience

ProAct knows what challenges its customers face, and has gained over 20 years of in-depth knowledge within various key industries.
We provide a platform to exchange knowledge and generate added value through long-term partnerships and an excellent network with key players from the most important industries.

Healthcare market

Offers of integrated care call for new forms of collaboration and a continuous reassessment of a provider’s own range of services.

Cantonal building insurance and private insurance

Insurance companies are increasingly faced with challenges stemming from people’s changing requirements and standards for insurance, IT infrastructure and core applications that are outdated in part and a growing number of environmental events.

Public sector

For the public sector, growing customer expectations in terms of transparency, efficiency, quality and focus on needs are posing major challenges. ProAct accompanies you in facing these challenges.

The vocational training and education market

The vocational training and education market is changing. With the Swiss Vocational Education and Training Initiative 2030 and the UNESCO Education 2030 Framework for Action, a broad-based attempt is being made to anticipate changes in society, and in the employment market in particular, and to make our education system fit for the future. ProAct helps those involved to transform their organisations, implement new learning trends and adapt their education and training offering to the market.


Decentralisation, decarbonisation and digitalisation are elementary building blocks for implementing the Energy Strategy 2050. With a methodology tailored to the energy sector, ProAct provides ongoing and continuous support to you throughout this transformation.

Public transport and mobility

Getting people from A to B is becoming increasingly complex. Trends such as urbanisation, New Work and sustainability influence the mobility offers available and the way in which we use them. ProAct offers pragmatic and practical support so that your business can satisfy the new requirements.

Wasserwerkgasse 27
CH-3011 Bern

+41 31 313 07 07

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